लोकतंत्र और चुनाव की रक्षा
समाचार एवं वीडियो
सीनेटर कोलेट ने चुनावी गलत सूचना को चुनौती दी
Sen. Collett Pushes Back Against Voter Disinformation
सीनेटर कोलेट ने पीए में ओपन प्राइमरीज़ के लिए जोर दिया
हैरिसबर्ग, पेनसिल्वेनिया - 27 अप्रैल, 2023 - बुधवार को, सीनेटर मारिया कोलेट (डी-12 मोंटगोमरी) ने सीनेटर लिसा एम. बोस्कोला (डी-नॉर्थम्प्टन) और डैन लॉफलिन (आर-एरी) के साथ मिलकर पेंसिल्वेनिया में ओपन प्राइमरी स्थापित करने के लिए द्विदलीय कानून, सीनेट बिल 400 का समर्थन किया।
Sen. Collett Opposes SB106 Attack on Abortion & Voting Rights
वक्तव्य: 16 डेमोक्रेटिक राज्य सीनेटरों ने तुच्छ चुनाव मुकदमों और हमारे लोकतंत्र को कमजोर करने के निरंतर प्रयासों की निंदा की
हैरिसबर्ग - 10 दिसंबर, 2020 - आज पेंसिल्वेनिया राज्य सीनेट के निम्नलिखित सदस्यों ने एक संयुक्त बयान पर हस्ताक्षर किए - नीचे दिया गया है - टेक्सास और सत्रह अन्य राज्यों के अटॉर्नी जनरल द्वारा लाखों लोगों को मताधिकार से वंचित करने के बेशर्म प्रयास की निंदा करते हुए...
सीनेटर कोलेट ने डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प और रूडी गिउलिआनी के साथ सीनेट रिपब्लिकन की "चुनावी मुद्दों पर सार्वजनिक सुनवाई" पर प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त की
हैरिसबर्ग, पेनसिल्वेनिया - 25 नवंबर, 2020 - आज, पेंसिल्वेनिया सीनेट रिपब्लिकन नीति समिति ने सीनेटर डग मास्ट्रियानो (आर-33 एडम्स/कंबरलैंड/फ्रैंकलिन/यॉर्क) के आग्रह पर डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प और ट्रम्प अभियान के वकील रूडी गिउलिआनी के सहयोग से एक सार्वजनिक बैठक आयोजित की...
As citizens, our vote is our most important asset.
Here in the Commonwealth, our elections are safe and secure. However, right-wing extremists have continuously tried to undermine voters by spreading misinformation, challenging legitimate results, and refusing to make commonsense election reforms that county officials have asked for. My Senate Democratic Caucus colleagues and I will never stop fighting to protect our democracy, safeguard our elections, and make sure every eligible voter has access to the ballot.
Making Polls Accessible
Every eligible voter in Pennsylvania has a right to make their voice heard at the polls. We must make sure voting is accessible for all of us by protecting no-excuse mail in voting and secure ballot drop boxes, standing against onerous voter ID proposals, keeping the Automatic Voter Registration program in place, and more.
Learn more about our goals in the PA Senate Democratic Caucus to make voting more accessible.
Repealing Closed Primaries
Pennsylvania is one of ten states that has fully closed primary elections, meaning only registered Democratic or Republican voters can cast their ballots in primary elections. When we deny so many Independent and third-party Pennsylvanians the ability to vote simply because of their party affiliation, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to have a truly representative and responsive government. I am continuing to fight in Harrisburg for open primary elections to ensure our electoral system is equitable and accessible for every qualified Pennsylvania voter
Dispelling Election Misinformation
False narratives surrounding our elections and Republican voter suppression efforts have to be met with strong opposition. Just because an election is close does not mean it is illegitimate. On the contrary, it highlights that in a democracy, every single vote makes a difference, and the voters – not politicians or judges – have the final word.
Here, in Pennsylvania, your vote is protected, and your vote matters. I will always stand up against rumors and lies about our elections, about this country, and about our fellow Pennsylvanians.
Questions about how to make your voice heard at the ballot box? We can help!
I am proud to have introduced and cosponsored legislation that would ensure our elections are safe, secure, and accessible here in the Commonwealth.
Young Voter Preregistration
Senate Bill 904
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on Sept. 7, 2023
This bill would boost civic engagement by allowing teens who are otherwise qualified under Title 25, §1301 (Qualification to register) and who are at least 16 years of age to preregister to vote and then be automatically registered when they turn 18 or on a date in advance of the next election when they will be 18 years of age.
Entering the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Collett, Argall
This legislation would allow Pennsylvania to enter the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The National Popular Vote law will take effect when enacted by states with a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538), guaranteeing the candidate receiving the most popular votes nationwide will become President.
Permitting Counties to Pre-Canvass Mail-in Ballots 21 Days Prior to Election Day
Senate Bill 426
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on मार्च 14, 2023
This bill would help address high influxes of mail-in ballots close to an election day by allowing county boards of election to pre-canvass all mail-in ballots beginning 21 days prior to Election Day.
Campaign Finance Reform
Senate Bill 11
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on अप्रैल 24, 2023
This bill would provide comprehensive transparency and accountability in our political campaign finance system.
Automatic Voter Registration
Senate Bill 40
Automatic Voter Registration was implemented by the Shapiro administration in सितम्बर 2023
This bill would change PA’s voter registration system from an “opt-in” system to an “opt-out” system when a citizen applies for a public benefit through a state agency.
Updating the Poll Worker Oath in the Election Code
Senate Bill 604
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on अप्रैल 17, 2023
This bill would modernize the oath that Pennsylvania poll workers take by adding gender neutral language and removing references to outdated electoral method.
Repeal Closed Primaries
Senate Bill 400
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on अप्रैल 26, 2023
This bill would repeal closed primaries and allow voters who are registered as independents (those who have checked no affiliation or none on their voter registration form) to vote in primary elections.
Mail-In Ballots
Senate Bill 401
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on मार्च 15, 2023
This bill would change Pennsylvania’s voting system so that all elections would be conducted entirely by mail.
Removing the Requirement for Date on Mail-In Ballots
Senate Bill 857
Referred to the Senate State Government Committee on जुलाई 6, 2023
This bill would remove the requirement that the outside envelope include a handwritten date in order to be valid and rather, those ballots, both mail-in or absentee ballots, will be required to be received by the board of elections by election day – or postmarked by the date of the election – in order to be counted.
Check back for updates on legislation as we head into the 2025-2026 legislative session.